【蛋挞王子亲民活动第6站:TK Bakery Setia Alam站】
【蛋挞王子亲民活动第6站:TK Bakery Setia Alam站 】
Setia Alam的朋友们,来临的6月23日(星期日)&6月24日(星期一),TK Bakery Setia Alam 全场20%的大折扣!千万不要错过!✨
✨ 公益摊位 - Pokokon
趁在这2天全场20%的回馈活动,赶快来买你喜欢的TK 产品吧!还可以参与幸运抽奖,与蛋挞王子合影留念,再支持Pokokon公益摊位。
【? Egg Tart Prince Pop-up Party: 6th Stop at TK Bakery Setia Alam! ?】
Hi Setia Alam friends, on June 23rd (Sunday) and June 24th (Monday), TK Bakery Setia Alam is offering a 20% discount on everything in-store! Don’t miss out! ✨
There will also be on-site activities including:
✨Photo booth goodie bags
✨Lucky draw
✨Product tasting
✨ Charity booth - Pokokon
Enjoy the 20% discount on all items over these two days, grab your favorite TK products, enter the lucky draws, snap a photo with the Egg Tart Prince, and support the Pokokon charity booth. ?
Don’t forget to come by!